The Green Quarter SHD
Avenir Homes Limited intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a strategic housing development at Cartrontroy, Kilnafaddoge, Lissywollen and Ardnaglug (townlands), Athlone, Co. Westmeath. The development will consist of: the construction of a mixed use residential development of 122 no. residential units with ancillary creche, 46 no. student apartments consisting of 283 bed spaces, and all associated site development works.
The proposed development makes provision for 60 no. dwelling houses comprising 38 no. 2-storey 3-bed townhouses, 7 no. 2-storey 4-bed townhouses, 7 no. 3-storey 4-bed townhouses, 6 no. 2 storey 4-bed semi-detached and 2 no. 2 storey 4-bed detached.
The proposed development includes 62 no. apartments / duplexes to be provided as follows: Block R1 containing 38 no. apartments (16 no. 1 bed units and 22 no. 2 bed units) in a 3-6 storey building, and Block R2 containing 20 no. duplex units (10 no. 2 bed units and 10 no. 3 bed units) over 4 storeys with 4 no. apartments (4 no. 2 bed units) in one 5th storey feature area.
The proposed student accommodation makes provision for 283 no. bed spaces in 3 no. blocks to be provided as follows: Block S1 containing 18 apartments with 117 bed spaces over 5-6 storeys, Block S2 containing 16 apartments with 107 bed spaces over 6-7 storeys, and Block S3 containing 12 apartments with 59 bed spaces over 4-5 storeys.
The proposed development will provide for two new vehicular accesses as well as pedestrian entrances onto Lissywollen Avenue east-west access road (as permitted under An Bord Pleanála Reference ABP-309513-21). Minor modifications to ABP-309513-21 are proposed to cater for these access points, alterations to cycle/pedestrian paths, the removal of a central island to facilitate the south-eastern entrance, and provision of bus stop infrastructure.
Ancillary site works include public and communal open spaces, hard and soft landscaping, pedestrian / cycleways, car parking, cycle parking, bin storage, public lighting, roof mounted solar panels, ESB substation and supporting distribution kiosks, and all other ancillary works above and below ground. The proposal includes pedestrian and cycle linkages onto the Old Rail Trail Greenway to the south and Blackberry Lane (L40061) to the west.